Make Toronto a place with lots of fun, high-participation events.

I’m Misha Glouberman. Toronto event generator is a project I started with a few friends to make Toronto more fun.

I am mostly trying to make Toronto more fun for me. It may also end up being more fun for you, to the extent that your idea if fun is like mine.

Toronto event generator does this:

  • We provide microgrants to support cool events

  • We help match up events with venues and volunteer help

  • We run a newsletter to help promote events, and foster an events scene

  • Offer mentorship and support to people hoping to learn how to run events

Events as places to meet interesting people

I’m especially interested in events that function as a magnet for smart people who are interested in ideas and in feelings, are high in openness to experience and curiosity, and who are high-agency and up for some social risk-taking. I’m interested in events where people can find connection and make friends.

The goal is to create a SCENE in Toronto

My greatest hope is for there to be a scene for interesting participatory events in this city. That would mean that there are lots of events like these, and, importantly, that the people who organize and attend these events know about each other and that people who run the events can learn from each other. (Nothing makes me happier than if people copy one of my events, re-shaping it to fit their own interests)

I’ve spent the past couple of years going to lots of evens in Toronto, I continue to be amazed at the number of times I find some cool thing that seems related to things I already love, but none of the people involved know about each other. I really want to change that, and I think it could make a big difference if we do.

Want to know about events in Toronto? Subscribe?

Want to know about events in Toronto? Sign up for our newletter! We plan to sent out announcements for a few months as an experiment in Fall 2024 and see how this goes. You can also check out the other events listing and series listed in the sidebar in the links section of this page.

Want to let people know about your event?  Tell us about it!

If you have an event you’d like us to tell people about, let us know (link tk). We run a curated list of Toroto events. In general, we only tend to list events that have a strong participatory component - events where people interact with each other, and where people can meet. We also like events that are experimental, novel in some way, and playful.

Want help making your event happen? Get in touch!

If you have an event you think we might like, we might be able to help find a space for you. We also offer microgrants to help cover costs of getting events started.

What sort of projects does event generator support?

Broadly: Participatory events where people can meet

We want to support all kinds of events that have some participatory component where people can meet, especially if there’s an element of experiment and play

Stuff we especially love

A few things we especially love: 

  • Rationalists, TPOT, post-rationalists

  • Events about sex, relationships, kink, polyamory

  • Interesting events for kids that are also fun for grownups

  • Social experiments

  • A mix of earnest and funny/playful 

  • Events that bring lots of math to social interactions

  • Stupid events for smart people

  • Events that make Toronto feel less like a backwater, as it sometimes can

  • Karaoke

  • Events that create some social discomfort

The people we really want at our events are people who are smart, high-agency, and comfortable taking some social risks

Events/Scenes in Toronto and Elsewhere I want to draw inspiration from

  1. Authentic Relating and related communities

  2. The Being and Becoming philosophy cafe discussions

  3. Burning Man community

  4. Some of my own events like Trampoline Hall, and This is Not The Show, and All about Intimacy (with Heidi and Sophia)

  5. ManiFest

  6. Fuckup Nights Toronto (and anything at the intersection of business and playfulness) 

  7. Toronto kink community around FetLife etc. Aella’s sex parties

  8. The Disaster Show (and anything at the intersection of comedy and performance art)

  9. Danu Social House (a partner in this project)

  10. D-cide on the B-side at the Communist’s Daughter (A drunken whole-room divebar music debate)

  11. Sherwin Tjia’s events 

  12. Extreme awkwardness lab

  13. Good karaoke events like Hot Breath and Jean Darlene Piano Room and Mama’s Liquor and 222 Bar and Good Enough Live Karaoke

Some early-2000’s Torontopia events, like Extermination Music Night (a break-in music/performance events in abandoned buildings), Will Munroe’s Vazaleen, and many more

Some events we’ve already supported

  1. A live version of the Reddit “change my view” group

  2. “The Tape Measure Challenge”, which is a competitive sport about how far you can extend a tape measure without it falling

  3. A social mixer for people interested in sex tech

  4. “Perfectly Normal Dinner Party” - a sort of murder-mystery dinner but without the murder

  5. A daytime disco party for children, to promote a sense of disco’s history in Gen Alpha

  6. Some others, too

Subscribe to Toronto Event Generator

We want to make Toronto a better place to find fun, weird, high-participation events. We do this by supporting events with microgrants, finding venues, and promotion, and by creating listings of events we like. Run by Misha Glouberman and friends.